This Weekend

Mom and dad are on a 7 day cruise. Friday night, we went by their house to say goodbye. Mom has been shopping over the last couple of weeks. Most of the clothes in her closet totally swallow her. She excitedly showed off all her new finds. She even dug some clothes out of her packed suitcase. She looks great in her size 4 clothes and lucky for me, I can wear most of them. (A little tighter fit than her) She commented that she has gained a pound or two . . . please.

They were both excited about the trip, been a long time coming. I hope they have the best time ever. After this summer, they need it.

Little Man's Birthday was this weekend. He turned 10 (still doesn't sound right). He wanted a big birthday party like Little Girl had a month ago. I wasn't sure if it was going to happen, everyone is so busy this time of year.

Thursday before his Saturday party, I knew 7 kids were coming. We had sent invitations out to everyone in his class (around 20) Only 1 from his class had RSVP. I knew Little Man would be disappointed if more didn't show from his class so I decided to send another invitation (reminder) out on Friday. Hubby said that I was being overbearing . . . not me. The one mom who RSVP said that her daughter had just given her the invitation that had been sent out the week before. So I figured the rest of the class probably had not given their parents the invitation, they are 3rd graders after all. Friday, we had a couple more RSVP and by Saturday morning, the birthday was a go with 13 confirmed.

I rushed around Saturday morning getting everything ready. I planned for 15 just in case and then 19 kids showed. It was a success although I did have to improvise with extra goodie bags.

The details of the party will have to wait for a later post, I'm crashing fast. But before I sign off.

Little Girl was in the shower, daddy was on cleaning detail. Little Girl has a mild soap for sensitive areas and a stronger soap for the rest of her body. A few minutes into her shower she yells, "DAD, I need some more Booty Soap!"

At Little Man's party, she got a whoopee cushion in her goodie bag (luck of the draw). So for the past couple of days, she's been carrying it around asking everyone with a sweet smile on her face, "You wanna hear me poot." I bet she'll ask to take it to Show and Tell next week, great.


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