On the Colon Club

After Mom's appt last week, I posted on the Colon Club. I just love Bradyr and Belle, they always respond to my posts. I'm so glad they were there, then and now.

by momsCancer on Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:55 am
it's really been a while since I've checked in here. Mom's healing up from treatment and I've jumped back into my family, job, and life. She had a PET Scan and we met with the doctor on Tues. He showed us the before and after pics. You could really see the tumor from the pics in April and then absolutely nothing lit up from the last scans. YIPPEE! She's going to have a scope done in a couple of weeks just for a closer look. But PET Scan of colon look good!!! So, as terrible as the treatment was (terrible's not even a strong enough word), looks like it totally did it's thing!We could tell the doctor had a scans look good . . .BUT coming. Sure enough, the doctor said that a couple of lymph nodes in Mom's chest were lit up. He said that it could be anything inflammation from a cold (she's not noticed being sick but who knows). He doesn't think it's the cancer. He said that's a long jump from the colonrectal to the chest. It wouldn't make sense for it to be the cancer, since when does cancer make sense? So another 6 week wait for another PET Scan then 2 more weeks to see the doctor, basically won't know anything for 2 months. I almost wish he would not have said anything about the lit up lymph nodes in her chest. She left the doctor's office in tears. She wanted it to be done, no more tests, no more cancer, no more doc appts, etc... I followed her to her house and stayed with her as she cried until I could talk her into going for icecream, (my cure-all drug). She's still nauseous 24/7. The only thing that works is a suppository that knocks her out. When she wakes up, she's not nauseous for a little while. She's so tired of being sick. Fatigue is still a problem. She eats very little and then pays for it a day or two later. So, it's like she eats (like a bird ) 1 day and then pays for it in diarrhea and nausia and doesn't eat for 2 days following. She's lost alot of weight. The diarrhea is a problem. Just Monday at work, she didn't make it to the bathroom and it went through her clothes. Wow! I had dreams Monday night of coming here and posting she's dancing with NED and maybe she is, guess we won't know 100 percent for a few more weeks.
MOM has Stage 2 Anal Cancer on chemo (5-FU and Mitomycin-C) for 6 weeks. Looking to vent and give/receive support. My blog address is;www.onecrazeemommy.blogspot.comI should change the name to one crazee daughter, I think.

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Joined: Tue May 27, 2008 12:53 am

Re: Hello
by NWgirl on Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:18 pm
Thank you for the update. I have been wondering about her and how you are both doing. I wish she was doing better - but I'm glad there has been at least some improvement. Hang in there. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.
BelleDX 10/07 Stage III Colorectal CancerSurgery 11/17/0727 of 38 nodes affected10 rounds of FOLFOX; 2 rounds of Xeloda30 radiation treatments with 5FU pump 24/744 Years Old - NED!!!!!

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Re: Hello
by bradyr on Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:31 pm
don't lose hope. It's very likely that the doctor is right... that this isn't cancer at all. I've had little thinks like this light up before, they disapeared next scan. but, part of the bad of this illness is the uncertainty. It's very hard to live with, but that's what you have. The good news is that the response has been excellent. Worse case, there is no reason that these additional problems couldn't be taken care of, but you don't have worry about any additional treatments for at least two months.but as well as she responded, it sounds like the doctor feels good taht this nothing. He had to tell you because he has to disclose everything) but he was confient to tell you he didn't think it was cancer. A lot of times if the doctor has doubt he won't say that - just that we have to wait and see.so, I have a good feeling about this - I say screw the possible problem - go ahead and declare yourself done with this and - let tommorow (or in this case two months from now take care of itself in due time). but until then, put this out of your head and just celebrate beating this cancer.
bradyrDX Stage IV 2/07 mets liver/bone/brain/spleencolon resection 3wks radiation for bone metsfolfox4 + Avastin 6m/Xeloda for 4mGamma Knife brain lesion 1/08Now on FolFiri 12 of 15CEA 11 down from 49 2wks agoSIRT Spheres r-lobe 7/24 l-lobe 8/19

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