Not My Mess

Today, the kids and a couple of their friends were in my van heading home from church. Before I could tell them no eating in the car, half empty cereal boxes were flying around the backseats of the van. The kids were having a grand ole time throwing the boxes at each other. I finally got them to stop and then prayed they didn't make that big of a mess. After making it home I see it's not that bad and had the bright idea that Little Man would clean it up.

He seriously got mad. I've not seen him that mad in a while. Uncontrollably shaking and yelling at the top of his lungs how they did it, not him!

Now I must say that every once in a great while. . . I'm a brilliant mom.

We went inside the house. And the conversation went as follows;

Crazeemommy: Come here, look at the sink full of dirty dishes, who made this mess?

Little Man: We all did.

Crazeemommy: Who's gonna clean it up?

Little Man: You and daddy.

Crazeemommy: Mmmm, look at the floors that have just been vacuumed. Who dirties the floor?

Little Man: We all do.

Crazeemommy: Who vacuums?

Little Man: You and daddy.

You get the picture. We walked from room to room in the house, identifying messes and who would clean them, basically you and daddy was the response every time.

When we completed the tour of the house, I asked, "Shouldn't you chip in when we ask you to, even if you didn't make the mess?"

Long story short, Little Man not only vacuumed the cereal out of the car but also took the trash out, walked the pizza box to the recycle bin in the school parking lot, helped me make my bed and sister's and get this. . . MY NINE YEAR OLD DID THE DISHES!

The kids just came in itching and scared they've caught something worse than poison ivy. Daddy says that I need to give them a bath immediately. Evidently, they both thought it would be great fun to play in the insulation from a house they're building up the road.

I think I'll tell Little Man, "You're on your own because it's Not My Mess" and see how he responds. (hee, hee, haa, haa)


Anonymous said…
Mom, supermom, you were great on handling this one!

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