The Night I Met Ruby

I've actually been working on a blog on and off over the last week. It was all quite depressing. Mainly about the destruction of the ice storm, the stress of work, my marriage, the holidays. . . in general my life right now. And I was really going to pour it on in the blog as pathetic as possible. If you've talked to me over the past few weeks, you probably got an earful of all the above and more.

After hearing a CD of Ruby last September, I vowed that if given the chance to meet and/or hear Ruby in person, I'd jump on it. Well tonight was that night, and what a night it was. She kicked off revival with a word titled "God's Provision" that was tailor-made for me.

Her first point made was "Watch who feeds into your soul." Instead of thinking of those negatively feeding my soul, I thought of those I'm pouring negativity out on. I'm not sure if I showed up to the service expecting to hear from God but from her first point God was directly talking to me. She went on to say that she's human and experiences the same hurts and disappointments as the rest but she doesn't let it pour over those in her path. Not that she's fake and portrays life as a bowl full of cherries, but no matter the situation or circumstance "Greater is He who is in Me than He that's in the world." If you truly believe that, than you'll live it. She says, "You're representing Jesus." "It's not about you " . . . ouch. Sometimes I'm guilty of thinking it's All about me, what I'm doing, and who's hurt My feelings. While the service is good, it getting harder and harder to swallow. My representation of Jesus leaves alot to be desired.

She said that everyone is assigned an angel and a demon at birth. My poor angel has had to work overtime probably since I was born. I started thinking of all the pitfalls, I've been pulled from. And not just that, what about all those I don't know about because I was steered around it. She said that Michael and Gabriel, the two arch angels have two missions; one to protect, the other to comfort. I required so much protection mainly from myself and the heartbreaks I set myself up for were numerous. Thank God for His provision of protection and comfort.

I'm not sure if I'm saying it right, but Ruby said that the angels are called by our clapping and that God moves through our praises. As I was praising God for His provision of protection and comfort, Ruby was prophesying.

As Ruby in one breath spoke words to a lady down front, those same words were softly being spoke to me. Jesus said to me, "I'm right here. I've always been right here. When you've come looking for me and when you've turned away, I am here." It's really something to be in a sanctuary full of people with the service going on around you, but inside it might as well be just you and God.

As the service was wrapping up, Ruby spoke to me. She asked me if I would do her a favor. As if I were at a door without a doorbell, to knock. Then she simply said that God has opened the door. It really brought it all together and summed up the whole night.

When you are hurt, disappointed, and stressed, go to God.

Knock on His door, He's always there with arms open wide.


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