Hole in the Backyard
There's a hole in the backyard where the money goes. The pool is not only taking more time to install but also costing more money, go figure. We were suppose to be swimming this Memorial Day Weekend. It's not gonna happen. We'll be lucky to be swimming by the end of June.
On a lighter note, Little man and Daddy were out of the house this weekend. They went camping with 100 cub scouts. They had a great time with archery, target shooting, tye dye activities, and water balloon fights. They had a gigantic water slide and Jupiter Jump. They grilled out burgers and hot dogs then finished up with smores. Mama took a friend's advice and went to Wal mart, grabbed a few good books, and hung out in the tub most of the evening with the book and cheap bottle of wine.
Yesterday, Baby Girl woke up with a little blemish on her forehead and under her eye. By the end of the day, her face was covered, her ears inside and out, as well as her fingers. Poor baby has poison sumac. I've never had an outbreak of poison ivy, oak, or sumac. . . knock on wood. . . but I'm itching just looking at the girl. We took a trip to the doctor, endured a shot, and by this afternoon, she's better. And did I mention, she handled the shot perfectly. She's so tough unlike her mama. I don't handle shots at all, I pass out.
The other day Little Man and his Best Friend were in the kitchen waiting for the mac and cheese to be ready. As I handed my son a bowl, he says, "I have the best mama in the whole world." Now, normally, I'd be tickled pink but this was an awkward situation, one of several in the past couple of years. You see, Best Friend's Mama passed away two years ago. Back to the story, Best Friend then sadly replied, "I had the best mama." Little Man immediately says, "You mean, Before she died!" Ouch . . .This conversation is going bad to worse . . .What do I do? In these tense moments, I never know whether to try and say something in attempts to make things right, or to let it ride. This time, I chose to let it ride. Best Friend said, "Yes, before she died." Then Little Man said, "Hey, she can still be the best mama, she's just in heaven" and best friend cheerfully added, "And maybe (Dad's fiance) will be the best mama too." I mumble out in agreement, "uh huh" and sigh a big relief.
On a lighter note, Little man and Daddy were out of the house this weekend. They went camping with 100 cub scouts. They had a great time with archery, target shooting, tye dye activities, and water balloon fights. They had a gigantic water slide and Jupiter Jump. They grilled out burgers and hot dogs then finished up with smores. Mama took a friend's advice and went to Wal mart, grabbed a few good books, and hung out in the tub most of the evening with the book and cheap bottle of wine.
Yesterday, Baby Girl woke up with a little blemish on her forehead and under her eye. By the end of the day, her face was covered, her ears inside and out, as well as her fingers. Poor baby has poison sumac. I've never had an outbreak of poison ivy, oak, or sumac. . . knock on wood. . . but I'm itching just looking at the girl. We took a trip to the doctor, endured a shot, and by this afternoon, she's better. And did I mention, she handled the shot perfectly. She's so tough unlike her mama. I don't handle shots at all, I pass out.
The other day Little Man and his Best Friend were in the kitchen waiting for the mac and cheese to be ready. As I handed my son a bowl, he says, "I have the best mama in the whole world." Now, normally, I'd be tickled pink but this was an awkward situation, one of several in the past couple of years. You see, Best Friend's Mama passed away two years ago. Back to the story, Best Friend then sadly replied, "I had the best mama." Little Man immediately says, "You mean, Before she died!" Ouch . . .This conversation is going bad to worse . . .What do I do? In these tense moments, I never know whether to try and say something in attempts to make things right, or to let it ride. This time, I chose to let it ride. Best Friend said, "Yes, before she died." Then Little Man said, "Hey, she can still be the best mama, she's just in heaven" and best friend cheerfully added, "And maybe (Dad's fiance) will be the best mama too." I mumble out in agreement, "uh huh" and sigh a big relief.