
Showing posts from November, 2006

Bath Time Talk

Baby Girl's playing in the tub. I run in, grab dirty clothes, and ask "you doing okay." She answers, "Yes. . . . But Mama, my booty has got a hole in it." Isn't she just the cutest ever!?!

The Cost of Fun

Girls night out was scheduled for Thursday night. At my suggestion, we were going to a Karoke Bar. I've been practicing for several weeks. . . ready to tackle Carrie Underwood, Lorretta Lynn, and Janis Joplin, all in one night. The days leading up to the big event have been crazy. I'm not going to whine too much, I'm sure it's been equally chaotic for the rest. It's like there are a million and one reasons not to go to girls night out and one main reason to go, It's called SANITY. The day of our night out was the absolute longest day ever and not b/c I didn't have much to do. It just was crazy busy and crazy long. But the time finally arrived and we walk into the bar. They are setting up for a band. Are you kidding me? I ask the waitress what about Karoke. She says that's on Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I was sooo disappointed. We're suppose to have these nights out once a month, but in truth, we'll probably not get another chance until after...

Kids Say the Darnest Things

Sitting at the table doing homework, Little Man asks, "Mom, is Holy Shit a bad word?" Trying to keep from laughhing I reply, "Yes honey, that is a bad word!"

The Tooth Fairy

The other day at school, my Little Man lost a tooth. He's been visiting the school nurse every day for the last week seeking medical advice and a general time frame on when it will fall out. She was probably one visit away from yanking it from his head in sheer frustration. She gave him a cute little container to put it in and he was back off to class like a king caring his most precious possession. I don't know exactly what happened but somehow he lost it. According to him, it was there and then it just. . . poof . . . disappeared. In reality, I'm sure he just showed it off one too many times. If I know my son and I do, he was seconds away from complete meltdown, tears welling up in his eyes, and the end of his world approaching fast. His teacher, so quick and witty, saves the day. She says, "Find a rock that looks like a tooth, the tooth fairy won't know the difference." What an amazing woman, her solution, simple and perfect. And he bought it hook, line, an...

Help Needed

Wow! I can't believe it's been almost a month since I've blogged. I miss it terribly. So much has happened, many of which would have made killer blogs, like this: I interviewed between 40 and 50 teachers. I'm looking forward to working with them. In looking for some bilingual assistants, I ran into some pretty interesting people as well. One was from Peru but she's been in the States for the past 9 years. She's going through a divorce b/c her husband says she's too Americanized. Ten years ago, her parents had her make a video for American men who were looking for a slave, I mean wife. This guy chose her, he flew to Peru and married her, 2 months later, she's leaves her country, family, and friends and moves to the States. She doesn't speak English, he doesn't speak Spanish. It's a match made in Heaven. Two children later, she wants to venture out of the house and make a life for herself, and he's ready to look at new videos. Another inter...