Poop Patrol

Friday, I finally took Little Man to the doctor. He's been complaining for some time about a stomach ache.

First of all, you must understand my son. He tends to be a complainer and if you'll lend an ear, he'll give you an earfull. He's one that sees the cup as half empty rather than half full. He's quick to point out what's wrong rather than what's right. I'm having to teach him how to be thankful (definitely another blog). It's hard for me b/c, being thankful has always come easy.

And as far as being sick, it's something different each day. His legs, his head, his belly, etc... So when he started regularly complaining about his stomach hurting, it took me a while to pick up on it. You know, it's kinda like The Boy Who Cried Wolf.

On the way to the appointment, Little Man asked if he'd have to get a shot. I said I'm not sure, but if it makes your belly better, do you want it? His reply was I'll do anything to stop my belly from hurting. (ouch ... I should have taken him in long before now)

So the doctor x-rayed his belly. He asked Little Man how long his belly has been hurting. He said for over a year. Okay, there's no way it's been a year, but it's definitely been weeks. Just how many weeks. . . I can't say.

The doctor showed hubby the x-ray which you can visibly see, He's backed up. Doc checked all his organs and Thank God, says that everything's working just fine. Told us to give him this medicine for the next 5 to 7 days and then check back with him.

Poor thing, he's been living in the bathroom for the past 3 days and it's probably gonna be another 4 days before it stops. His bottom is so sore. I don't know what else to do but have him sit in the tub as much as possible and cover him in vaseline.

Hubby lovingly says, the doc didn't tell him anything he didn't already know, our son's full of shit. And while I find the humor, this little incident struck a chord in me. I don't know what I'd do without Little Man. I absolutely adore his sweet, sensitive side and how I'd go on without him? Well, that would just be impossible.

Okay. . . . so. . . . no harm, no foul. He'll spend the next 7 days in the bathroom, get better, and life will go on. In the mean time, I've got to figure out how to catch these things earlier, but at the same time refrain from feeding the "I'm always sick monster inside him."


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