Inner Peace
I have zero inner peace today. It was the first day back from Spring Break. Kids in school should mean peaceful calm, right . . . wrong. I just started a second round of tutoring in St. Louis so I had 20 student folders to prepare. This includes grading each test, entering into the computer, creating a learning plan, and then getting the materials ready for each student. Yes, the tests were UPS'd to me last Thursday, so in theory I had more than enough time to have them ready to overnight on Monday for tutoring on Tuesday. In my defense, Baby Girl had a stomach bug on Friday so I wasn't able to get anything done. I ended up grading them Saturday on the way to ride ATV's . I entered them into the computer Sunday evening after church and the T-Ball coaches meeting. That left everything else to be completed on Monday all before T-Ball practice at 3:00. Can you say, stressed out! It took me until 2:45 to get all the student folders completed. Hubby ran it to UPS for me as I bo...